
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Let the sunshine in

Temperatures this week have soared over freezing (a whopping 40 something degrees) and the trickling sound of thawing snow indicates a light at the end of this dark, cold tunnel we all know and hate as winter.

I've been re-balancing myself. This includes: reading more, writing (or thinking about writing) more, and trying to glow. I've just about finished Slaughterhouse-Five (how did I not read that sooner?), and I've been working on a collection of prose that more or less uses geological phenomena as a metaphor for a relationship between the speaker and "you". Not sure where it's going yet, but it's different and I like that. You can read some of it here.

I've also been working on a collection of prose about PTSD, but that's proving to be a difficult thing to put into words, at least words that aren't so heavy-handed. This project is just a tad more personal than the geology one.

What else?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

White it out white it out white it out

Nothing like a blizzard to lift your spirits and make you feel better about being surrounded by dead things. It's an old fashioned and unreliable sort of drawing board, but once a sufficient amount has fallen it serves as the great equalizer. When it melts you'll see mud and remember the things that were buried, but for the time being there are no worries in your heart or your head.