
Monday, May 31, 2010

To-do List


Family doctor referred me to the Bucks County Health Clinic since I don't have insurance. Called the Q-town office (or what I thought was the number for the Q-town office since it's listed on the county's website under "Quakertown Health Office"), left a message. Received a rather snotty message the next day from a woman (she's what kids today would call a huge bitch) firmly and loudly explaining that I didn't call the right number, I need to call the number for the main office and the woman I left a message for is out on sick leave. In the same amount of time she could have simply answered my question, which was, "Do you offer tetanus shots?" Waited days to call back because I don't want to be pricked by huge bitches. Called today forgetting it's Memorial Day. Thinking about calling Emerson tomorrow to see just how mandatory this shot is.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

On PA roadkill

In rural PA, the Third Reich's coal mine, maggots have a habit of gutting dead deer via asshole. On the side of Rt. 81 there was one--stiff and eaten out, something like black tar seeping from it's hind. R---- said it's most likely shit, the thing probably shat itself twice--once on impact and again as its body died--but it could also be flies or blood or something. A couple miles away, another one. Its rigid startled legs pointed at me. A hole in its under belly at least the size of my torso exposed its chest cavity. You could probably crawl in and sleep.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Happenings: things found

1. Found out that itchy red patch of dry skin in my right arm pit is eczema. Found out it's the same as the patch that has popped up on the back of my neck along my hair line off and on for the last year. Got some cream for it.

2. Found a roommate. His name is Daniel. He's 28 and we've never met. It's possible he'll kill me. It's possible I'll kill him. Anything is possible.

3. Discovered approximately 3 reasons why I can't wait to get out of PA, specifically Quakertown (rednecks, over-abundance of fast food, how the town is a vacuum and if you stay too long you'll never get out), and approximately 5,768 reasons why I'm homesick already.

4. A general area to live in: Porter/Davis Square in Somerville, MA. Near Harvard. Accessible by the red line. Maybe 15-20 mins to school, but I have no idea. My move date will be 9/1.

5. Noticed a large Nazi flag hanging in the living room window of a house about a block away from my brother's new home in Mt. Carmel, PA. It's a living ghost town known for it's coal mines/mountains. Everyone I saw was dead with their eyes open. I walked ten minutes to and from the gas station, uncomfortable and somewhat nervous that everyone I passed could see that I loved a Muslim and that they would probably hang me for being a traitor. A large dog tried to jump through a window at me. Twice.

6. One by one, we'll leave and never really know how much of us is left behind.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Broke is an understatement

The details of school/moving are starting to flesh out. This is a mixed blessing. I've been trying desperately (blindly, haphazardly, confusedly, etc) to propel this thing forward, and with that comes the nauseating reality of costs. If Emerson would please hurry up and send my financial aid statement, I can get my personal loan and have some false breathing room.

Fuck if this isn't the most stressful undertaking. Ever.

My trip to Boston over the weekend was useful in acclimating me to the area around Emerson. I got a general idea of where some of the neighborhoods are in relation to school, and I mastered the subway. Boston seems really small compared to Philly. Also, it's unbelievably cleaner and more efficient. And super expensive. O0f.

Anywho, looks like I'm not moving till Sept. 1. I've found a couple apartments that seem nice, but I'm not ready to commit, and I can't go up again any time soon to look in person or sign documents. I wish Boston was where NYC is. And I wish NYC just didn't exist.

So, in closing, my booky blog is turning into my moving-process blog. I guess that's ok.