It's 40 hrs/wk, telecommute. I set my own schedule and work anywhere I want. In 3 months I'll be eligible for health insurance benefits (which I've already paid for through Emerson for the year) and vacation time.
You're probably saying, "That's awesome, Shannon!" Way to go me. And if you're my mom, you're probably telling all your family and friends how "these things just have a way of falling into her lap!"...ignoring the fact that I applied to 14 jobs--ranging from Whole Foods to desk jobs to distributing pamphlets--before getting an interview.
So what's the issue? The guy who hired me--the same guy who will be training me--wants to set up the training at his apartment. (Okay...?) There are 4 proofreaders in all that he's training, 2 of which cannot make the training next week; I will be in PA, so I fall into this awkward category. I have a car; the other girl does not, and that's why I think he's setting it up at his apartment. Proximity to public trans. But still...can't we make other arrangements? Pick her up at the train/bus station? If it wasn't in the early afternoon I'd be more hesitant. He gave us the option to do that or go to the office.
Where is my mixed martial arts training when I need it?!
In other news:
I'm developing a throat thing.
It's chilly. The leaves are pretty. It's windy all the time.
I'm listening to music for what feels like the first time (though may be the second time) since I moved here. All the songs are tied to PA, so I presently have no idea where I am.
Poems are very, very, slowly coming along. So slow I'm verging on disappointed. It's hard pushing this shit out. I never tried writing before when I wasn't "in the mood."
I hope Halloween never comes because as soon as it's over all the Christmas garbage comes out.
Book Fest was neat. The first event I worked was supposed to be two authors discussing their novels. An Israeli man and Palestinian woman. They didn't talk very long about their novels.
Interesting thing about that church, they accept the LGBT community and even ordain homosexual ministers. Very cool.
I didn't see the justice talks.
School is awesome, but getting hectic. End of the semester and such. I'm looking forward to the break--lots of reading/writing time. Maybe snowboarding.
Casey is awesome. Kind of eats a lot. Poops pretty much all the time. My god.
I read last night that Elizabeth Short, a.k.a the Black Dahlia, lived in my town.
My town really blows. Thank goodness I'm so close to the city and essentially everything that doesn't blow.
4 days till PA.