Some bullet points:
.Went to OCMD - dug some clams. got some burns. made some loves. Was really impressed by the ease with which my girlfriends finagle shots out of young men. I have much to learn. Also, wild horses (and their babies), and mosquitoes.
.Went camping in Knoebels - took a nap outside on a sofabed! Under the trees, in the sun. Kinda sweaty. Mostly sweet. Found more evidence of rural PA's unbearable and uncomfortable creepiness when a fraction of our party attempted to get breakfast on the way home. I've never seen Deliverance, but I feel I've lived it in some small way.

.Going to see mewithoutYou on Friday @ the TLA. Hot dog.
.Went to Steak Night at Lower Frederick Fire Co. Saturday night. I know, I know. A vegetarian at steak night?! Trust me, every hickey em-effer there was just as confused. The woman "manning" the salad station (ie, salad, potato salad, macaroni salad, slimy cantaloupe, etc) WOULD NOT let me use the "good paper plates" because they were saving them for the steaks. She tried to get me to use a small bowl for the salad. I gestured to the whole spread and said, "This is all I'm getting." She said there are separate bowls for the soups, and I had to explain how I didn't want soup, and I need more than a bowl because I wasn't eating anything else. She made me get out of line and get a regular paper plate. When I got back up to her she said, "Just rabbit food, huh?" Sorry I'm not interested in eating a slab of meat that is 95% fat. Sorry I wanted to use the good plates for rabbit food.
.Drank 5 Coors Lites at said Steak Night. Felt really confused all night because I was drinking a lot, but not feeling drunk. Did a shot of Jack and a shot of something red that someone bought me (kamikaze?). Switched to Lager. Woke up the next morning still confused as to whether or not I was hung over. Turns out I was just tired.
.No, it's not hard being vegetarian. It is hard sitting in a redneck bar listening to my new friends sing 'Paradise by the Dashboard Lights' and pretending to not know them. I considered asking the stranger next to me if I could try his cigar. (Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.)
.I need to start taking more pictures of these things. Everything feels so strange sometimes, and I can't explain how. It's like forgetting and remembering at the same time. Like movies. Everything feels immediate and nostalgic.
.Started packing dishes and other kitchen items today. Broke a glass I didn't want. I didn't realize how much crap I was living with that I didn't want or need until I put in a position to travel light. I'm considering my life in terms of want/need, need/don't need. I'm so light. It hurts.
.Considering a dabble with veganism after noticing how cheese makes me feel: somewhat off and internally greasy.
.I didn't write about any of this. But I might.
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